The Challenge
Engine sound plays a big role when buying a car. The way the car growls when you press the gas pedal for the first time cannot be compared with anything!
But the sounds of modern cars have become much quieter. In an effort to reduce the environmental impact of vehicles, combustion engine manufacturers are developing parts with smaller displacement, fewer cylinders and fewer turbochargers. Carmakers fear that if the buyer hears the real rustle of the compact engine, they may refuse to buy a car in favor of a more powerful and emotional model. Also among the younger generation there is a demand for a more futuristic sound of the engine, to which they are accustomed to in computer games and science fiction films. This type of engine sound is especially relevant for vehicles with an electric propulsion system.. -
The Solution
SPb Audio Lab engineers have developed three modes of active digital synthesis of engine sound inside a car. The first mode will make the sound of your own running engine more pleasant than it actually is. In essence, it is an improvement in the sound of a car's own engine by adding individual harmonics and correcting the frequency response. The second mode - the synthesis of artificial sound that simulates the operation of the selected engine - will allow you to hear the sound of a supercar engine or the legendary American V8 under the hood. The third is a completely synthetic sound - to feel like the driver of the car of the future or the pilot of a jet fighter. Through the standard speaker system, the driver will hear sounds that depend on the vehicle's speed, acceleration and accelerator pedal position. The eASD system provides stable engine feedback and allows drivers to feel better about their vehicle. -
The Benefits
iDSS technology helps to restore the familiar sound of the engine in the event of deterioration due to new noise reduction technologies, reduction in the size of motors or the use of electric motors.
The driver himself determines the synthesis mode that is comfortable for him or completely turns off digital synthesis and enjoys the silence.